Educational video
Our latest educational video of the Sexual Health Circus show is embedded into 5 comprehensive Relationship and Sex Education lesson plans with resources for teachers to deliver. The lesson plans have been quality-assured by the sexual health charity Brook. The fee includes consultation regarding the delivery of the SHC lesson plans with a Sexual Health Circus educator.

These lesson plans cover 10 topics and follow the new Relationship and Sex Education and health education curriculum:
- Gender
- Sexuality
- Contraception
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Consent
- Healthy and unhealthy relationships
- Pornography
- Nudes (Sexting)
- Pleasure
- Access to services
The video is embedded into all RSE lessons with subtitles. We also have accessible versions of the video including British Sign Language translation and an audio described version for students who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired.
Video Pricing structure
Fee-paying schools: £650
Non fee-paying schools: £500